MarketWare offers a range of services to improve the quality of service, especially in web environments, and improve the user experience. From MarketWare point of view, providing good quality services to users, healthy for a good development of brands in the virtual relations with their customers is a critical factor for success in e-business strategy combining three aspects: Monitoring, Measurement and optimization.
MarketWare established in this area a strategic partnership with Keynote, developing their services using the largest global infrastructure for monitoring and measurement (m&m).
Global Infrastructure of Agents
Nothing is understood or enhanced before measuring to know. The concept M & M (Monitor and Measure) is in fact the first step to follow for those who have a vision focused on quality of service. Aim to survey the behavior of the site in terms of performance and availability becomes essential, especially considering the prespective of the end user.
The purpose of this assessment is based on identifying which aspects may be critical to the success of your online business and for the relationship with their users, identifying those that should be improved by data that reflect this reality and reports that can provide concrete and effective measures to improve its performance in the digital markets. The information collected allows strategic decisions accordingly. Prevent that the web site doesn't is at the level of expectations of the users, detecting possible problems affecting the user experience in real time to be overcome, minimizing the most the negative effects.
The Monitoring of the Quality of Service in Web environments is intended to measure the following aspects of your e-business:
- Performance and Availability Reduce the response time of the website due to the requests of the users, making the website faster and without temporary access flaws or incorrect viewing . [more]
- Load Tests One of the main problems that occur in the websites and that compromise their performance and competitiveness in the e-business is the inability to bear the load that leads to the inability of the users to satisfy all their requests promptly, without visualization flaws or implementation errors.[more]
- Integrity
Test, diagnose and improve the quality standards of the site, ensuring that its construction, content and links, images and compatibility of browsers and other resources deployed in the site are of high quality.
Understand the impact that these resources have in the quality of the site and how it can positively or negatively affect the user experience is the big goal. Was designed to provide the Digital Brands the ability to practice a strict management and above all consistent, ensuring that quality standards are achieved throughout the site, even when it is composed of thousands of pages.[more]
- Accessibility
Implement the best practices to create a site that enriches the experience of all its users, enabling them to learn, understand, navigate and interact with the web, even those with special needs, older people and younger, using techniques, tools and guidelines to make it "user friendly", with an easy and intuitive navigation.[more]
- Usability
Genuinely reflects the "look and feel" of users as they relate to and interact with the site and why.
Indicates not only what users do on the site, but why do they interact with the site the way they do. It is the only research tool to test the usability that permmite to capture the user experience in its fullness, including in dynamic sites in 2.0 web. Allows capture a true picture of the intentions, attitudes and behaviors of the users compared to their web site, obtained when the interaction happens (when they are browsing the web site) or using a representative panel, constutuido by e-mail lists of users.[more]