EV Certificates

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Go Green!

Go Green!

Security Application Course PDF Print E-mail


Time: 9:00 h to 13:00 h and 14:00 to 18:00
2 days (16 hours)

Course Objectives:
This course follows on the need to deepen already given to this issue in the course "Applied Hacking" as well as the needs found among domestic companies, according to many security audits Application past. This way, with scenes of concrete demonstration, the participants will identify the best systems out, understand and test the many existing methods of attack, and above all, know employ the best methods of defense, applying best practices Development Insurance.

Summary of program content:

Module 1: Systems exposed
Web Applications, Web Services, Back Office Systems, Electronic Payments; Intranet Systems

Module 2: Attack Methods
SQL Injection / Command Injection; File-system; buffer overflows, Cross Site Scripting, Denial of Service; Hacking of sessions; Man-in-the-middle; Phishing

Module 3: Methods of Defense
Authentication, Authorization; Management Sessions; cryptosystems; Validation Data; Firewalls and IDSs applications

Module 4: Principles of Insurance Development
Treatment of errors; Maintenance, Security Database, Application Security environment; Register of events, the BUG Hunting; Insurance Development in JSP, ASP Development in Insurance, Insurance Development in PHP.

This course is for directors of companies, directors (SI, IT, administrative, financial, legal, commercial), managers and systems analysts applications, and coordinators responsible for web infrastructure.

joint sessions of theory and practice, with description of the subject by trainer and experimentation in the personal computer. They will be conducted exercises and simulations of practical situations.

Symantec SSL, Qualys, N-Stalker and Keynote, among many others).

CD with documentation.

- Documentation of support.


For Registration or Information

Phone - +351 217 223 432

Fax - +351 217 223 434

Address - MarketWare, Rua Olavo D´ Eça Leal, Nº 4 A - 1600-306 Lisboa

E-mail -formacao@marketware.eu This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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