EV Certificates

Maximum security. Anti-phishing. Buy now your EV certificate in MarketWare.

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Digital Server Certificates

In a scenario of e-commerce is essential to provide to the customers a high level of confidence and security. The user must be sure that the site is genuine and that the information that sends and receives is personal and confidential. Digital server certificates have the purpose of protect confidential information (e.g. credit card numbers, financial data, personal data) from the actions of hackers and other malicious users.

Through digital server certificates is provided the ability to make e-commerce on your site with high security standards, offering its customers a reliable web experience.In this context MarketWare represents the world leader in Digital Certificates, Symantec SSL. Therefore is able to provide all kinds of certificates, both Symantec SSL brand as other brands in the group, such as Thawte and GeoTrust.

In the case of Symantec SSL, the most required certificates are:


- Global Server Certificate (128 – 256 Bits)
The Global Server Certificate (128 - 256Bits) is recognized as the most powerful tool in terms of ensuring the authentication, integrity and confidentiality of communication when established between the client browser and the server. Symantec SSL Global Server is commonly used by financial institutions that require a high level of security and confidentiality of communications conducted with their customers. [more]

- Secure Server Certificate (40 - 256 Bits)
The Global Server ID digital certificate (40 to 256 bits) is a solution that provides an excellent cost / benefit and is generally used by companies to protect their data. [more]

- Free Trial
Through the Free Trial you can test the security of your web server for a period of 14 days at no additional cost. [Make your request here]


Subscribe your certificate Symantec SSL!

Make your site secure and display the Seal of the Symantec SSL Secure Site to ensure to the customers that their site is authentic and that all transactions are secure through SSL encryption mechanisms.

Secure Server Certificate
Global Server Certificate
SSL Encryption 40 - 256 bits 128 - 256 bits
Authentication Service
Seal of Secure Server
Insurance Protection 100.000$USD 250.000$USD
CSR backup
Express Delivery in 2 days -
Repeal and replacement of certificates in 30 days
Performance Analysis of MarketWare / Keynote -
Audit Security of MarketWare / Qualys -
Label of Security Server in BizRate Certified Web Page

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