Time: 9:00 h to 13:00 h and 14:00 to 18:00 Duration: 1 day (8 hours) Location: Lisbon
Course Objectives:
Preparing the responsibles for billing in the companies to the issuance, delivery and archiving of electronic invoices and other financial documents, taking into account the law of electronic invoice currently in force. At the end of the course, students will be able to manage the project of electronic invoicing in the context of their business.
Recipients: This course is for directors of companies, directors (SI, IT, administrative, financial, legal, commercial), managers and systems analysts applications,
coordinators rand the esponsibles of the web infrastructure, coordinators of the purchasing and accounting departments.
Summary of program content:
Module 1: Legal Framework of Digital Signatures
Module 2: Legal Framework of Electronic Billing
Module 3: Legal procedure
Module 4: Effectiveness evidence
Module 5: Digital Certificates
Module 6: Digital Certificates of Costumers
Module 7: The Digital Signature applied to the Electronic Billing
Module 8: Digital Signature applied to documents (PDF, DOC, etc)
Module 9: Forms of transmission of electronic billing (Email, Web, EDI, etc)
Module 10: Electronic Billing in Your Business
Methodology: Joint sessions of theory and practice, with description of the subjects by the trainer training and testing in the personal computer. Will be conducted exercises and simulations of practical situations. Trainers: This course is taught by experienced consultants in various fields, particularly in the theme of electronic billing and its variants, digital certification, security, law, among others.
Offers: Symantec SSL Digital Signature (for 60 days) The book: Electronic Commerce in Portugal, edited by ANACOM
For Registration or Information Phone - 217 223 432 Fax - 217 223 434 E-mail - formacao@marketware.eu This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar Adress - MarketWare Portugal, Rua Olavo D´ Eça Leal, Nº 4 A - 1600-306 Lisboa
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