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Security Audits

Under the audits to MarketWare Europe uses a methodology for analysis of security that focuses on rapid detection of vulnerabilities, complemented by further investigation, to remove false positives and explore areas where the tools to detect vulnerabilities are not as effective.

Security Audit

The MarketWare Europe uses as a reference in their security projects, ISO 17799, regarding the evaluation of policies, practices and procedures of security. However, in the areas of security audit, especially when held in an approach to ethical hacking, MarketWare Europe seeks to use the more specific approaches involving the untimely access to the network, systems and applications.

The MarketWare Europe, as representative of Qualys can use this area one of its solutions "QualysGuard Internet Scanner", with the aim of providing very detailed analysis of vulnerabilities at early stages of projects.

To complement and possibly deepen the results detected, the MarketWare Europe uses a whole set of security tools available on the Internet, especially the tools listed in www.insecure.org/tools.html

The MarketWare Europe can still use other techniques to enhance the detail achieved in previous cases, including mechanisms used by hackers, including techniques of social engineering.